
The Gaowo seminar in Qingdao was grandly opened, discussing the issue of "international trademark layout of enterprises".

On July 17, 2024,the seminar under the theme of “interpretation of corporate international trademark layout, declaration strategy and popular national policies” was opened grandly in Westin hotel in Qingdao. And the meeting aimed to help improve the international trademark layout awareness of enterprises, enhance the capabilities responding to the risks of the overseas trademarks to be rush-registered and effectively respond to the increasingly complex IP competitive environment in the international market.

With the development of economic globalization, more and more enterprises participate in the international market competition, as a result the enterprises are faced with many challenges and risks in the field of overseas intellectual property, especially in the field of overseas trademarks. So how to achieve the transnational protection of trademarks and respond to the risks of overseas trademarks to be rush-registered become one of concerns of enterprises.

Mr. Zhang Guosheng made a wonderful sharing on the trademark layout strategies of various countries, especially focusing on the interpretation of the trademark layout policies, difficulties and countermeasures in the protection of popular overseas markets such as Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia, and providing valuable guidance for enterprises to effectively protect their own brands in the international market through practical case sharin

The meeting set up a special tea break and expert negotiation section where the attending customers interacted and discussed with each other and put forward the trademark protection problems encountered in practice. And in return, Gaowo experts tailored feasible international trademark layout solutions for the attending customers and shared successful cases of its represented international trademark layout for the reference of the customers. And on this seminar, Gaowo won the high evaluation and recognition of attending clients with professional and outstanding services.

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