Position:International trademark & patent agentLanguage:Chinese, English
Business area:Trademark/Patent
Leo Liu
International trademark & patent agent
Email: leo@gaowoip.com
Professional field
Mr. Liu joined in Gaowo since 2014, his practice includes the preparation and prosecution of domestic and international patent applications, as well as trademark, design and other IP related matters.
Apart from representing international and domestic clients in a variety of areas including counseling, opinions, re-examination, and patent prosecution, he also focus on IP litigation, enforcement.
Professional experience
As representing international and domestic clients in a variety of areas including counseling, opinions, patent filing, prosecution, re-examination, Leo also holds rich experience in an emphasis in Finance and Marketing. This additional business experience supports him in evaluating matters from a variety of vantage points and mindsets, resulting in a greater understanding of his clients’ immediate business objectives and their longer-term commercial goals. He is committed to keeping his clients informed regarding how the evolution of the legal landscape and new changes in the law will directly affect their IP portfolios and business practices going forward.
Educational background
Bachelor of English, Bachelor of Law; Baoding University.
Working languages
Chinese English